Nadin (Nedinum)


Family museum Odzakovic has not been established as a separate specialized institution, but as a part of a small family museum, which task is to collect and preserve traces of culture and the remains of life in the region of Ravni Kotari.

The farmhouse collection consists in items which were used by the local population in their everyday traditional economical activities.

In the courtyard of the museum we find the tools and objects that were produced by the treating of wood and metal in the carpenters and blacksmiths workshops, and are related to viticulture, livestock breeding, farming...

Odžaković Odžaković Odžaković Odžaković Odžaković Odžaković

At the floor of the museum we are introduced to a collection of objects related to furniture, household appliances, clothing culture, and can be sorted out well kept folk costumes, horsetail, a device for processing textile and a chest in which are stored the subsidies for the bride.

A large part of the textile collection consists in items for soft furnishings-sheets, pillowcases and overburden wool decorated with various techniques of weaving or links that are provided with a basic function of protection from the cold and had a decorative purpose.

Odžaković Odžaković Odžaković Odžaković Odžaković Odžaković